Sunday, March 20, 2016

Humanities Asia Pacific Nation Research


Today I will be explaining about my Humanities Research on an Asia Pacific Nation. The Nation I
                                                                                                                                                         choose is Singapore.  I chose Singapore because it is a small country so research will be not as hard.

So in the next few paragraphs I will be explaining about Singapore different aspects such as 
                                                                                                                                                              landforms, waterbodies, HEI (how they modify the environment and how they u their natural 

resources), population/demographics, natural environments, environments under threat (and natural 

life under threat) and also i will be stating a few answers from my survery about my country.


Singapore is the small island between Indonesia and Malaysia but is still considered as a country.
                                Singapore total area is 697 sq km. Singapore also doesn’t have an extreme terrain, Singapore’s terrain 
is more “calm” than other countries it is mostly flat. Singapore highest point is not that high which is 

at 166 m at Bukit Timah. Singapore’s lowest point is 0m at Singapore Strait. In conclusion Singapore 

is a small island with a very small area to do anything and also doesn’t have extreme terrain ("CIA").



Singapore is an island with a very little amount of water bodies. Singapore does not have significant 

natural lakes but has around 14 artificial lakes made by the construction of reservoirs. Singapore

 mains river is a very short one called the island itself. Singapore River flows into the wide harbor of t

he island southeastern coast. The seas near singapore is the Indian ocean and the south china sea. In 

conclusion, Singapore has very limited natural water bodies but has few artifical ones



Human Environmental Interaction

Singapore is a very little island between Indonesia and Malaysia. Singapore has very little land and h
as little space to do agriculture. Singapore’s farms depend on soil and hydroponic cultivation("

 AVA").The Singaporean city take more space then the forest and the agricultural land combined

("CIA"). Singapore since it has very little space to do anyting they made an artificial island named 
Jurong.("CoastalCare"). In conclusion,Singapore has done alot to it's land and water since they have 

very little space.



Singapore is a island with 5.7 million people living in it. Singapore has a very steady population

 growth rate and is very stable which is at 1.89% per year. Singapore doesn’t have to worry about its 

population yet. Singaporean people doesn’t have to worry about having more people as a boy than a g

irl or vice versa because Singapore’s sex ratio in total is balanced which is at 0.96 males/ female whic

h is balanced because it is near 1:1 which is the ideal sex ratio. In conclusion Singapore is a country 

with a balanced growth rate and sex ratio also it is not yet a crowded place to live ("CIA").


Natural Environments 

Singapore is an island “standing” between Indonesia and Malaysia. Singapore just like its brothers

are living in a tropical/equatorial climate . Singapore temperature is still in average living conditions.

The temperature is not too hot or too cold, being the minimum temperature of 23-

26 degrees Celsius and the maximum of 31-

34 degrees Celsius based on the climate records since 1929. Singapore humidity is something people

have to put up with being at the highest of 90% in the morning and 60% in the mid afternoons.

In conclusion Singapore is a country with a very stable climate zone since it is not too hot or too cold

and is still very habitable ("Hawksford").

("NTU Libraries")

Environments Under Threat

Singapore has is a very small island if compared to their neighbors like Indonesia and Malaysia. 

Singapore land availability is an environmental problem right now since it is very small. This threat 

will cause animals and people to feel more crowded thus making it hard to do anything. 

Singapore bio diversity is very small, since most of Singapore is urban areas and only little forests 

this can result as little bio-diversity 

 meaning less natural life like animals and trees.Singapore last environmental threat is the de

forestation. Singapore for years have been trying new ways to build land for its country one of which 

is deforestation. Urban areas in Singapore are taking over Singapore’s little forest. In conclusion 

Singapore is a major urban city/country with very little bio diversity and land availability also has 

problems with deforestation (Indexmundi).


 Singapore Survey Results

Part of my research for humanities is a survey. I made a survey from survey monkey and gather  
the information. So my survery analysis shows that 6 out of 7 people like Singapore of various

 reasons. Another question in my survey suggested that the most favourite place for people to come 
to visit in Singapore is Marina Bay Sands. 42.86% of people who answered my survey goes to 

singapore very often. In  conclusion most people who answered my survey likes Singapore and goes 

to Singapore very often ("Aryasatya").


In conclusion Singapore is a very lovely country with very good landforms, waterbodies and is not

very crowded, but has little biodiversity because the urban area takes most of the space. Singapore 

has a very good population growth rate but has very small land space to do activities such as  

farming. Also Singapore, based on my survey is visited very often. Thankyou for reading my 


Saturday, October 31, 2015

Humanities Five Themes Of Geography Unit 2015

Humanities Five Themes Of Geography Unit 2015

What is The Five Themes Of Geography

The five themes of geography is a way of geographers classify the world. The five themes of geography includes location, place, movement, region and human-environmental interaction. The five themes of geography is a important tool because if we do not classify the world it will be harder to do things for example import and export. Different themes help geographers in different ways for example movement is like import and export and location is where it is. In conclusion the five themes of geography is an important and useful classifying tool.

This is my Five Themes Web that has meanings and examples of all the themes


Location is one type of the five themes of geography. Location helps us find where a certain thing/place is. Location is divided into 2 different types one is relative location and the other is absolute location. Relative location is one type of location where it is not an exact location for example next to the table or near the java sea. On the other hand absolute location is an exact location maybe using latitude or longtitude for example 6.1745° S, 106.8227° E. In conclusion location is how we find where a thing or place is.
This is the absolute location of jakarta using latitude and longtitude


Place is how we define a location based on its characteristics. So one example of place is the human characteristics. Human characteristics can be religion and other things about the people in the country. Another example of the characteristics is the physical characteristics. For physical characteristics it can be the max temperature for each month in the country or the amount of precipitation for each month in the country.
This graph shows the how many percent of people choose different religion in Indonesia

This graph shows the average amount of precipitation in Jakarta each month

This graph shows the average amount of max temperature in Jakarta each month

Human-Environmental interaction

Human Environmental Interaction is the type of interaction between human and the environment. One example of human environmental interaction is humans cutting trees to make fire or a house with the wood. Human environmental interaction is a very important word since humans will interact with environment everyday. All humans and the environment will affect each other in a way that is good or bad. Since the environment affect humans,the humans will try to make buildings to take shelter or the other way around since humans are making buildings the animals and the environment will try to run away or find a place to roam in the cities.

This is an example of HEI i showed in my HEI Document





Region is how geographers classify the world by its characteristics. Region is very important part of the five themes because if not the world will be hard to classify. One example of region is the similliar heat in 2 different places mean they are in the same region. Region is everywhere one example is the states in the USA. Region effects where people live like living around Jakarta is one region and central java is another region. In conclusion region is how we classify the world by its characteristics.

This is an example of region i showed in region document


Movement is all around us from import to human migration. Movement is how humans interact with friendly countries either by visiting or import/export things with the particular country. Movement helps us to improve the world for example by having a phone product exported to other countries now we all can communicate locally or globally. One example of this is people in Indonesia communicating with people in the US to improve their relationships. So in conclusion movement will improve the way we live, think and see things which can improve the things we use like for example a smart phone which is always upgrading every few months.

Concept Organizers

1. This is my location concept organizer

2.This is my place concept organizer
3.This is my Human-Environmental Interaction concept organizer


 "Latitude and Longitude Finder." Latitude & Longitude, Find Your       
     Latitude & Longitude Coordinates. Worldatlas. Web. 30 Oct. 2015. 
Create A Graph." Create A Graph. Nces.ed. Web. 30 Oct. 2015. 

 "The World Factbook." Central Intelligence Agency. Central Intelligence 
       Agency. Web. 30 Oct. 2015. 

"ClimaTemps." Climatemps. Climatemps. Web. 30 Oct. 2015. 

 "TheBigIdeaInGeography." Kga. Kga. Web. 30 Oct. 2015. 

 "Indonesian Deforestation Moratorium Extended." WWF -. WWF. Web. 30 Oct.   